Celestial Guidance

By divine decree, the force is within me, 

With celestial guidance, peace shall be.
By stars above and Earth below,
Harmony and love shall flow.

In this sacred hour, with art in hand,
I call forth peace across the land.
From mountains high to oceans deep,
May calm and joy the world now keep.

By the moon's light and the sun's bright ray,
I cast this spell for peace today.
With every brushstroke, with every line,
May hearts unite, and spirits shine.

By divine ordinance, I now declare,
A world of peace, beyond compare.
With this creation, I do implore,
Let love and kindness forever soar.

As I will it, so mote it be,
Peace on Earth, for all to see.
🤍 Jameela

Digital Painting of Angel Wings by Jameela
Celestial Guidance ☆ Art of Jameela


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